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2025 Bucharest

The Geoscience 2025 welcomes presentations on the following topics

1.Earth Physics, Geodynamics and Seismology

1.1 Seismicity, Seismotectonics and Geodynamics

1.2 Physics of Earthquakes and Seismic Sources

1.3 Geomagnetism

1.4 Seismological and Geophysical Imaging of Geological Structures

1.5 General Seismology: Recent Strong Earthquakes, Historical Earthquakes, Data Acquisitions, Data Processing, and Data Analysis Techniques

1.6 Induced Seismicity: Observations, Monitoring, Modeling, Discrimination

1.7 Seismic Hazard and Risk Mitigation

1.8 Networks and Open Data in Seismology

1.9 GNSS Inputs for Geodynamic Modeling, Tectonic Strain and Seismic Hazard

2. Near-Surface, Engineering and Environmental Geophysics

2.1 Geophysical Investigation & Monitoring

2.2 Geophysics in Engineering Geology & Geo-Technical Investigations

2.3 Site Characterization

2.4 Archaeo-Geophysics

2.5 Hydro-Geophysics

2.6 Precision Agriculture

2.7 Geophysical detection of EWR or UXO

2.8 Integrated Approaches

2.9 New Software, Equipment and Geophysical Methods

3.Geo-Hazards, climate change and risk assessment

3.1 Hazards: Geophysical Investigation, Assessment, and Monitoring

3.2 Geophysical and remote sensing surveillance

3.3 Karst Environments

3.4 Environment and Landscape Reconstruction

3.5 Pollution Assessment and Monitoring

3.6 Natural, Technological/Man-Made Disasters and Urban Areas

3.7 Geophysics of the Cryosphere and Glacial Products

3.8 Climate Change

3.9 Risk Assessment & Resilience Studies

3.10 Early Warning Systems

4.Energy and Resources

4.1 Oil & Gas Exploration

4.2 Carbon dioxide capture and CO2 storage

4.3 Renewable and Alternative Energy – Case Studies

4.4 Cloud Computing in the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry

4.5 Mining Geophysics: Conventional and Unconventional Resources

4.6 Geothermal Resources & Scaling Up Geothermal Energy Production

4.7 Challenges and Opportunities

4.8 Other

5. UAV and Remote Sensing

5.1 Data Acquisition, Processing and Analysis

5.2 Satellite Based Technologies for Earth Surface Study and Monitoring

5.3 Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry

5.4 Airborne Geophysics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

5.5 GIS and Remote Sensing for Disaster Management

5.6 Geophysical tools for UAV systems

6 . GEOSCIENCE for Sustainable Development Goals

6.1 Earth Science and Policy

6.2 Geoscience Education

6.3 Geophysics for Society

6.4 Natural/ Technological Hazard Resilient Cities

6.5 Geo-Heritage, Geo-Conservation and Geo-Tourism

New topics submission proposals can be sent  at contact @  geosymposium.org